
Ascribe to The LORD the glory due His name; worship The LORD in the splendor of holiness. (Ps 29:2)

We would be honored to worship with you this Sunday.  We believe God is calling you to worship.  Will you come?

When and What: Our worship each Sunday begins at 10:30 a.m. (9:30 a.m. during June, July, and August).  We sing hymns of praise and gratitude.  Trusting in God’s mercifulness, we confess our shortcomings and failures to God and one another; we find forgiveness.  We receive God’s life-renewing Word, the Holy Gospel, as we hear it proclaimed both through the reading of Scripture and the sermon.  In our need and gratitude, we lift to God our prayers, remembering also the needs of others, near and far.  We affirm our devotion to Christ and to the mission of His Church as we offer God our lives and gifts.

FPC Activities 2011 038Accessible: We learn by doing. We grow by learning. We believe worship is accessible for all people, for those who have come for the first time as much as for those who have been in church for years.  Our worship tends to be traditional–not stiff–because we find spiritual wealth, great richness and beauty, deep connection and joy in such worship.

While our worship tends to be traditional, that doesn’t mean we look for Traditional People at worship–we look for you!  If you don’t happen to know all the words to The Lord’s Prayer, or if you don’t know a hymn very well, or if you don’t know what you’re supposed to do . . . relax!  We aren’t concerned and God isn’t concerned.  We’re all here to learn and grow.  We each make a start on the road of discipleship at a different place: our own place.  In worship, you are in the company of friends who are there to help encourage you–and to be encouraged by you.FPC Activities 2011 037

We don’t have a dress code for worship.  Some men come wearing a blazer, and some women wear a dress, while other people come wearing jeans and a shirt.  Worship is not about what we wear but where our hearts are and where God is calling us to be.  Worship is the blessed opportunity to join together with other people in a sacred time of joyful praise.  Worship is sacred time for getting better acquainted with God, who loves you and calls you to a sacred belonging.

Listening devices are available for those who would like to use one.

Choir: Our choir sings two pieces each Sunday, from September through May. We give our choir a rest from performing during the summer months.  They rehearse at the church every Wednesday night (August through May) at 6:30.  They’re always happy to have people come to practice and sing with them: come and make a joyful noise unto The Lord!

Communion: On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  All baptized Christians who hunger and thirst for the love of Christ are welcome at the Lord’s Table.

We also have special worship services throughout the year on days of particular significance for the Church, such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Christmas Eve.  We participate in services organized by the Delavan Ministerial Alliance at Thanksgiving and during Lent.

We would be honored to worship with you this Sunday.  We believe God is calling you to worship.  Will you come?  Please contact us if you have any questions: (309) 244-7105, firstpresdelavan@gmail.com