
In him, you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. (Eph. 2:22)

Sharing fellowship with God and neighbor is an important part of our life as disciples at First Presbyterian Church.  We worship, study, serve, and proclaim together, and we celebrate the blessings of our life together through such loving acts as gathering together to share food and conversation, and through care for one another.  We are a family. We believe Jesus when he says that all who do his Father’s will are his family.  All who seek to follow Jesus Christ are part of this family, adopted by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit. We invite you to visit us, worship with us, share fellowship with us, and discover whether God is calling you to share in our life together.

FPC Activities 2011 008We enjoy times of fellowship before and after Sunday worship, during monthly potlucks, at our annual St. Valentine’s and Harvest Dinners.  We keep in touch with one another, and we visit our brothers and sisters who are home-bound, in the hospital, in assisted living facilities, or in nursing homes.FPC Activities 2011 007

While food and fellowship often seem a natural fit, fellowship is not about food!  We pray that God would guide us to ways in which we might further enrich our time together, ways in which we can foster a deeper sense of connection, both among ourselves and between ourselves and those who come to visit our church.  Fellowship is about sharing sacred friendship with one another and growing together in Christian love for one another.

We’d love for you to join us so we can get to know you as, together, we celebrate God every Sunday in worship and every day in our lives.  We believe that fellowship is holy time, as much as a Sunday worship service: every opportunity to help build up one another in love is holy time, because it’s time that honors God by loving our “brothers and sisters” in Christ. Holy time is joyful time, meaningful time, memorable time. We want to share this time with you.

So come celebrate with us!  Celebrate with us on Sunday morning and keep your eye on our “What’s Happening” page to find your time to share in Worship, Learning, Mission, or Fellowship.