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Welcome to First Presbyterian Church, Delavan, Illinois (questions allowed)

We believe we are here to love and serve God. Jesus Christ shows us the way. Jesus Christ is "the way, and the truth, and the life." Jesus shows us the depth of God's love for us. Jesus calls all people to follow him. We want to be disciples, followers, of Christ. Together, we grow as a family of followers through worship, study, friendship, helping others, and through telling others about Jesus. Come in and find out who we are. We look forward to growing together with you.


We have resumed in-person worship services. The virtual worship services are ending on August 29 but will remain on the web page. Please join us to lift our hearts to the Lord wherever you are comfortable.

God plants His love in your heart like a gardener plants seed in a garden. God is excited to see the fruits of His labor growing there!

Our congregation has the gift of great friendship: it's a gift we want to share with you. There's always room for more! There's room for you.

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